Thanks to the combination of an exceptional low dark count rate below 5 x 10–6 per ns (< 5,000 cps) and a photon efficiency of 20% at 1550 nm, the SPD_A_M2 module exhibits a Coincidence to Accidental-coincidence count Ratio (CAR) better than 10,000 in continuous pumping regime. As a matter of fact, AUREA Technology demonstrates the advantages in using its DUAL single photon counter SPD_A_M2 for quantum optics experiments that require a high CAR in a complete and easy to set up TCSPC environment.
The SPD_A_M2 is the latest generation of compact DUAL ultra-low-noise and high Quantum Efficiency single photon counting module in the near infrared spectrum [900 - 1700 nm]. The SPD_A_M2 integrates twins Geiger-mode InGaAs avalanche photodiodes, an efficient low temperature thermoelectric cooler, the electronic control and its intuitive interface in a compact box. The SPD_A series also provides plug-and-play connections to personal computers via a USB interface, allowing users to easily adjust detection efficiency and tune gate width and delay.
In addition to time-resolved measurements (TCSPC), the SPD_A series from AUREA Technology allow excellent detection performances for various single photon counting applications, such as, fluorescence, spectroscopy, photoluminescence, eye safe laser ranging, LIDAR, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).
About AUREA Technology
AUREA Technology provides superior near infra-red single photon counters that enable scientists and engineers to achieve outstanding results and remain at the cutting edge of their field. AUREA Technology works closely with its clients and partners around the globe to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow in the optical communications, biomedical, life sciences, biotechnology, nanotechnology, semi-conductors and environment industries.
[May 2011] Time Correlated Single Photon Counting @ LASER World of Photonics 2011