[June 11-13, 2013] booth # 1435

CLEO 2013 in San Jose, CA, Well-known for its world-renowned peer-reviewed program, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO unites the field of lasers and electro-optics by bringing together all aspects of laser technology and offers high-quality content featuring break-through research and applied innovations in areas such as ultrafast lasers, energy-efficient optics, quantum electronics, biophotonics and more. Visit us at booth # 1435!
[April 30- May 2, 2013] booth #819

SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing in Baltimore, MD is the most important scientific conferences on optics, imaging, and sensing for defense, security, industry, and the environment.
[March 19-21, 2013] booths W2.2716 & W2.2120

Visit us at our distributors' booths: AUNION Tech #W2.2716 and ETSC #W2.2120.
LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA is the leading regional trade show for optical technologies in China. It takes place in Shanghai every year in March and presents the entire range of photonics in an international setting. In 2012, 475 exhibitors from 19 countries attended the trade show and attracted 34,326 professional visitors at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC).
[Feb. 5-7, 2013] booth # 1123

SPIE Photonics West 2013 in San Francisco, CA, is the world's leading photonics, laser, and biomedical optics conference. Every year over 19,000 people gather from around the world to explore the latest advancements in light-driven research and technologies. Please come and visit us at the French Pavillon booth # 1123!